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- Accession1
- Item563
- Creator...
- Loewe, Fritz P. 474
- Hirschfeld-Mack, Ludwig 68
- Hoff, Ursula 11
- Adam, Leonhard 10
- Series...
- [UMA-SR-000000090] Writings, sketches, notes by Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack 18
- [UMA-SR-000000092] Material relating to Colour Light Plays 16
- [UMA-SR-000000095] Pamphlets, books and speeches on the intellectual climate of Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack 16
- [UMA-SR-000000170] Correspondence of Ursula Hoff 10
- [UMA-SR-000000091] Exhibitions of, or including, works by Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack. Catalogues, invitations, etc. 4
- [UMA-SR-000000094] Material relating to, or by, other Bauhaus artists 4
- [UMA-SR-000000088] Agreement, testimonials and related material 3
- [UMA-SR-000000089] Newspaper comments on work by Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack 3
- [UMA-SR-000000082] Notes 2
- [UMA-SR-000000093] Material relating to patents 2
- [UMA-SR-000000171] Correspondence of Leonhard Adam 2
- [UMA-SR-000000083] Excerpts from other academics 1
- [UMA-SR-000000097] Miscellaneous Teaching Aids 1
- [UMA-SR-000000098] Recent publications, speeches on Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack 1
- [UMA-SR-000000164] Biographical documents 1
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- Correspondence 10
- Documents 1
- Language of Material...
- German (ger) 565
- English (eng) 262
- French (fre) 49
- Danish (dan) 5
- Italian (ita) 5
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- Aboriginal Australians 7
- First Peoples 7
- Indigenous Australians 7
- Art - Rock art 4
- Technology - Stone 4
- Anthropology - Theory and criticism 1
- Art 1
- Art - Painting - Bark 1
- Art - Rock art - Painting 1
- Art - Sculpture - Carving 1
- Music - Musicology - Ethnomusicology 1
- Technology 1
- Technology - Stone - Axes / hatchets 1
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- Station Eismitte 3
- Arnhem Land (NT) 1
- Blairgowrie (Mornington Peninsula Vic SJ55-09) 1
- Kewulyi / Roper Valley (NT SD53-10) 1
- Maida Vale (W Perth SH50-14) 1
- Moonta (SE SA SI53-12) 1
- Mparntwe / Alice Springs (South Central NT SF53-14) 1
- Northern Territory (NT) 1
- Roper River (NT Top End SD53-09, SD53-10, SD53-11) 1
- West Arnhem Land (NT SD53, SC53) 1
- Western District (W Vic SJ54-07) 1
- Wupipi / Broome (WA West Kimberley SE51-06) 1
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