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- Accession3584
- Creator...
- Victorian Women's Liberation and Lesbian Feminist Archives Inc (VWLLFA) 160
- University Of Melbourne Archives 36
- Ducker, Sophie C. 31
- CRA Limited 26
- Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Limited 22
- Melbourne Theatre Company 19
- Library (The University of Melbourne) 18
- Women's Electoral Lobby 18
- Marginson, Raymond D. 17
- University Council (The University of Melbourne) 17
- Youth Hostels Association of Victoria 17
- Office Of The Registrar (University Of Melbourne) 16
- Melbourne College Of Advanced Education 15
- The University of Melbourne 15
- Broken Hill South Limited 14
- Victorian Trades Hall Council 12
- Western Mining Corporation 12
- Communist Party Of Australia. Victorian State Committee 11
- Department Of History (University of Melbourne) 11
- Association Of Draughting, Supervisory And Technical Employees, Victorian Branch 10
- Australian Railways Union, Victorian Branch 10
- Howlett, Charles E. 10
- Wallace-Crabbe, Christopher K. 10
- Hartnett, Laurence J. 9
- Students Representative Council (The University of Melbourne) 9
- Appointments Board (The University of Melbourne) 8
- Australian Agricultural Economics Society 8
- Comalco Limited 8
- Ellis, John B. 8
- Institute Of Early Childhood Development 8
- Institute Of Early Childhood Development Graduates Association 8
- La Mama Theatre 8
- Lovering, John F. 8
- Meanjin 8
- Melbourne University Boat Club 8
- Union Theatre Repertory Company 8
- Accounts Branch (The University of Melbourne) 7
- Belz, Maurice H. 7
- Bolton, Herbert C. 7
- Bright Family 7
- Dyason, Diana (Ding) Joan 7
- Fraser, John Malcolm 7
- Goldberg, Louis 7
- Liberal Party Of Australia (Victorian Division) 7
- Media And Publication Services Office (University of Melbourne) 7
- Melbourne University Engineering Students' Club 7
- Melbourne University Student Union 7
- Paton, George W. 7
- Public Examinations Branch (University Of Melbourne) 7
- Stock Exchange of Melbourne Ltd 7
- University Of Melbourne Medical Society 7
- University Of Melbourne, Mildura Branch 7
- Vasey, Gilbert H. 7
- Woodward, Edward 7
- Australian Theatrical And Amusement Employees' Association, Victorian Branch 6
- D'Aprano, Zelda F. 6
- Eureka Youth League 6
- Home, Roderick W. 6
- Horne, Shirley 6
- International Society For Contemporary Music 6
- Lewis, Essington 6
- Moorhouse, Charles E. 6
- Morton, Alma 6
- Oeser, Oscar A. 6
- Office Of The Vice-chancellor (The University of Melbourne) 6
- Parkville Association 6
- R. B. Ritchie & Son Pty Ltd 6
- Royal Society Of Arts Chapter In Victoria 6
- Students' Records Office (University Of Melbourne) 6
- Amalgamated Metal Workers' Union, Victorian Branch 5
- Australian Federation Of University Women - Victoria 5
- Australian Journalists' Association, Victorian Branch 5
- Australian Music Examinations Board 5
- Australian Stock Exchange (Melbourne) Ltd 5
- Bulbanna Administration Pty Ltd 5
- Central Administration (The University of Melbourne) 5
- Childers, Hugh C. 5
- Chisholm, Alan R. 5
- Commercial Travellers' Association 5
- D.W. Thorpe Pty Ltd 5
- Department Of Fine Arts (University of Melbourne) 5
- Derham, Alfred P. 5
- Derham, David P. 5
- Disher, Harold Clive 5
- Downing, Richard I. 5
- Dyason, Edward C. 5
- Extension Board (The University of Melbourne) 5
- Faculty Of Architecture (University Of Melbourne) 5
- Faculty Of Education (University Of Melbourne) 5
- Federated Clerks' Union Of Australia, National Office 5
- Hogg, Geoffrey 5
- Institute Of Applied Economic And Social Research (The University of Melbourne) 5
- J.C. Taylor & Sons Aust. Pty Ltd 5
- James Earle 5
- James, Gwynydd F. 5
- Kiddle, Margaret L. 5
- Marginson, Betty 5
- Melbourne University Medical Students' Society 5
- Melbourne University. Staff And Distaff 5
- Michell, Anthony G. 5
- Protocol And Functions Office (The University of Melbourne) 5
- Richardson, Joseph F. 5
- Rio Tinto Limited 5
- Ronaldson Bros & Tippett Ltd 5
- School Of Botany (University Of Melbourne) 5
- Stephenson & Turner 5
- University House 5
- Vehicle Builders Employees' Federation, Victorian Branch 5
- Yarra Falls Spinning Co Pty Ltd 5
- Actors' Equity Of Australia, Victorian Division 4
- Association Of Draughting, Supervisory And Technical Employees, Federal Branch 4
- Australian Tertiary Institutions Consulting Companies Association 4
- Australian Tramways And Motor Omnibus Employees' Association, Victorian Branch 4
- Chambers, Thomas C. 4
- Christesen, Clement B. 4
- Citizens Welfare Service Of Victoria 4
- D A McKenzie-McHarg 4
- Department Of Economic History (University Of Melbourne) 4
- Department Of Statistics (The University of Melbourne) 4
- Department of History and Philosophy of Science (The University of Melbourne) 4
- Derham, Enid 4
- Economic Society Of Australia And New Zealand 4
- Faculty Of Architecture And Planning (University Of Melbourne) 4
- Faculty Of Medicine (University Of Melbourne) 4
- Federated Moulders' (Metals) Union of Australia 4
- Fitts, Clive H. 4
- Foord Family 4
- Greenwood, John N. 4
- Grimwade, Andrew S. 4
- H. V. McKay Pty Limited 4
- Harper, Norman D. 4
- Hawthorne, Susan 4
- Hayward Family 4
- Hercus, Eric O. 4
- Hoffman Brick And Potteries Pty Ltd 4
- Kerley, Lucy F. 4
- Marshall-Hall, George W. 4
- Massey Ferguson (Australia) Ltd 4
- Matrix Guild (Victoria Inc.) 4
- Maxwell, Ian R. 4
- McCoy Society For Research And Investigation,The 4
- McLennan, Ethel 4
- McLennan, Ian M. 4
- Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance, Victorian Division 4
- Melbourne Centre For The Study Of Higher Education (University Of Melbourne) 4
- Melbourne May Day Committee 4
- Melbourne University Football Club 4
- Melbourne University Historical Society 4
- Melbourne University Press 4
- Melbourne University Science Club 4
- Melbourne University Town And Gown Guild 4
- Murray, Robert 4
- Nicholson, Joyce T. 4
- North Broken Hill Ltd. 4
- O'Connor, Maureen 4
- Osborne, William Alexander 4
- Prest, Wilfred 4
- Ray, Andrew J. 4
- Ritchie, Daniel 4
- Robertson, John 4
- Robinson, William S. 4
- Sociological Association Of Australia And New Zealand, Women's Section 4
- Tate, Frank 4
- Taylor, Jean 4
- Thomas Borthwick and Sons (Australasia) Ltd 4
- Tibbits, George R. 4
- University Of Melbourne Publications 4
- University of Melbourne Jubilee Celebration Committee 4
- Victorian National Parks Association Inc. 4
- Wallace-Crabbe, Kenneth E. 4
- Weickhardt, Leonard W. 4
- Working Women's Centre 4
- Young Women's Christian Association Of Australia 4
- Zinc Corporation Ltd 4
- Allen, Harry Brookes 3
- Amalgamated Engineering Union, Melbourne District Committee 3
- Australian Labor Party 3
- Australian Local Government Women's Association 3
- Bell, Alan 3
- Boobooks 3
- Boyd, Brian 3
- Brighton Benevolent Society Incorporated 3
- Brighton Ladies Benevolent Society 3
- Broken Hill Associated Smelters Pty Ltd 3
- Carlton Association 3
- Centenary (The University of Melbourne) 3
- Coaldrake, Frank 3
- Community Aid Abroad 3
- Counselling Service (The University of Melbourne) 3
- Cuming, Grace 3
- Davies, A E. 3
- Dennys Lascelles Ltd 3
- Department Of Accounting (University Of Melbourne) 3
- Department Of Geology (University Of Melbourne) 3
- Department Of Philosophy (The University of Melbourne) 3
- Derham, Frances 3
- Dickson, Raynes W. 3
- Dominick, Frank 3
- Dow, Hume 3
- Duras, Fritz 3
- Ericksen, Ray F. 3
- Faculty Of Arts (University of Melbourne) 3
- Faculty Of Law (University Of Melbourne) 3
- Faculty Of Music (University Of Melbourne) 3
- Faculty Of Veterinary Science (University Of Melbourne) 3
- Federated Clerks' Union Of Australia, Victorian Branch 3
- Federated Moulders (Metals) Union, Queensland Branches 3
- Federated Municipal And Shire Council Employees Union Of Australia, Victorian Branch 3
- Foreman Family 3
- Foster, John H. 3
- Foy & Gibson Pty Ltd 3
- Hartung, Ernst J. 3
- Hearn, William E. 3
- Higgins, George 3
- History Institute Of Victoria 3
- Holmes, Edward 3
- Howson, Peter 3
- Hoy, Alice 3
- Hugh Lennon Pty. Ltd. 3
- Inglis Smith & Co. Pty Ltd 3
- Jim Crosthwaite 3
- Kauri Timber Company Ltd 3
- La Nauze, John A. 3
- Lee, Jenny 3
- Loewe, Fritz P. 3
- Maclellan, Robert 3
- Martin, John S. 3
- Mary Kathleen Uranium Limited 3
- Mathers, Muriel 3
- Maurice Blackburn & Co. 3
- Medley, John D. 3
- Melbourne Teachers' College 3
- Melbourne University Athletic Club 3
- Melbourne University Choral Society 3
- Melbourne University Labor Club 3
- Melbourne University Parents' Group 3
- Melbourne University Rifle Club 3
- Melbourne University. Tin Alley Players 3
- Metropolitan Meat Market Ltd 3
- Miller & Co. Pty Ltd 3
- Minogue, John P. 3
- Murray - Smith, Stephen 3
- Newton Family 3
- Nuffield Foundation Australian Advisory Committee 3
- Olympic Consolidated Industries Ltd 3
- Penington, David G. 3
- Performing Older Women's Circus 3
- Perry, Warren 3
- Power, John M. 3
- Power, Judith 3
- Printing And Kindred Industries Union (PKIU), Victorian Branch 3
- Radford, Joan 3
- Renowden, Ray R. 3
- Rio Tinto Zinc Corporation Ltd 3
- Ritchie, Alan 3
- Royal Australian Nursing Federation, Federal Office 3
- Samuel, Richard H. 3
- Scott, Stanley J. 3
- Semmens, Edwin 3
- Sharwood, Robin L. 3
- Spinifex Press Pty Ltd 3
- Stephen Family 3
- Student Administration (The University of Melbourne) 3
- Taylor Ferguson & Co. Pty Ltd 3
- The Wallaby Club 3
- University of Melbourne Media (External Relations) 3
- Vickers Ruwolt Pty Ltd 3
- Victorian Farmers' Union 3
- Webb, Jessie S. 3
- Williamstown Naval Dockyards Combined Unions Shop Committee 3
- Younghusband Ltd 3
- Yuncken Freeman Architects Pty Ltd 3
- Yura, Shigeru 3
- 6th International Feminist Book Fair Management Committee 2
- A. W. Muddyman 2
- Abbott, William L. 2
- Aboriginal Liaison Office (The University of Melbourne) 2
- Adam, Leonhard 2
- Addison, Stanley S. 2
- Amalgamated Engineering Union Melbourne No 3 Branch 2
- Amalgamated Engineering Union, Castlemaine Branch 2
- Amalgamated Society Of Carpenters And Joiners, Richmond Branch 2
- Amalgamated Society Of Carpenters And Joiners, Victorian Branch 2
- Andrew Burbidge 2
- Ann, Carole 2
- Annear, Harold D. 2
- Anwyl, John E. 2
- Australasian Insurance And Banking Record 2
- Australian Association Of Social Workers 2
- Australian Book Review 2
- Australian British Trade Association 2
- Australian Federated Union Of Locomotive Enginemen, Federal Division 2
- Australian Federated Union Of Locomotive Enginemen, Victorian Division 2
- Australian Heritage Commission 2
- Australian Institute Of Agricultural Science 2
- Australian Nursing Federation, Victorian Branch 2
- Australian Nursing Federation, Victorian Branch Maternal And Child Health Special Interest Group 2
- Australian Opera Reform Group 2
- Australian Postal And Telecommunications Union, Federal Office 2
- Australian Primary Producers' Union, Victorian Division 2
- Australian Public Sector And Broadcasting Union, Victorian Branch. 2
- Australian Society Of Archivists, Victorian Branch 2
- Australian Transport Officers' Federation - Victorian Division 2
- Australian Workers' Union Victoria-Riverina Branch 2
- Australian-asian Association 2
- Baillieu, Clive L. 2
- Baillieu, William L. 2
- Baker, Jean 2
- Ball & Welch 2
- Ballarat Brewing Co. Ltd 2
- Bates, Smart and McCutcheon Pty Ltd 2
- Beaurepaire, Francis J. 2
- Bebbington, Laurie 2
- Beswick, David G. 2
- Boilermakers' and Blacksmiths' Society of Australia 2
- Building And Construction And Cazaly's Contract Reporter 2
- Building Trades Federation 2
- Burke, Joseph T. 2
- Burnet, Frank Macfarlane 2
- Camberwell Citizens' Protest Movement 2
- Campaign For International Co-operation And Disarmament 2
- Campbell, Janet 2
- Catherine Grace Mcwilliam Bequest 2
- Chambers, Thomas Carrick 2
- Cheesman, John 2
- Cherry, Thomas M. 2
- Christesen, Nina M. 2
- Churchward, Lloyd G. 2
- Clothing And Allied Trades Union Of Australia, Victorian Branch 2
- Coal Cliff Colliery 2
- Cole, George M. 2
- Congress For International Co-operation And Disarmament 2
- Conservatorium Of Music (The University of Melbourne) 2
- Conservatorium Old Students' Association (The University of Melbourne) 2
- Cuming Smith & Company Limited 2
- Curlewis, Richard 2
- D & W Murray Limited 2
- Davies, Alan F. 2
- Dawson's Steel and Iron Foundries Pty Ltd 2
- Department Of Chemistry (The University of Melbourne) 2
- Department Of French (The University of Melbourne) 2
- Department Of Germanic Languages, Swedish (The University of Melbourne) 2
- Department Of Otolaryngology (The University of Melbourne) 2
- Department of Anatomy (The University of Melbourne) 2
- Docherty, Mary 2
- Dow Family 2
- Dow, David M. 2
- Dow, Gwyneth 2
- Duke's and Orr's Amalgamated Dry Docks Ltd 2
- Dunstan, David 2
- Edson, John N. 2
- Edward Duckett & Sons 2
- Eggleston, Richard M. 2
- Electrolytic Refining And Smelting Co 2
- Ellis, Frank 2
- Eltham, Ernest P. 2
- Eriksen, Erik O. 2
- Factor, June 2
- Faculty Of Agriculture (The University of Melbourne) 2
- Faculty Of Economics And Commerce (University Of Melbourne) 2
- Faculty Of Science (University Of Melbourne) 2
- Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT) (University Of Melbourne) 2
- Farrall, Fred 2
- Federated Artificial Fertilizers And Chemical Workers' Union Of Australia 2
- Federated Engine Drivers' And Firemen's Association Of Australasia 2
- Federated Marine Stewards And Pantrymen's Association Of Australasia, Victorian Branch 2
- Federated Moulders (Metals) Union, Tasmanian District 2
- Federated Municipal And Shire Council Employees Union Of Australia, Federal Branch 2
- Federated Municipal And Shire Council Employees Union Of Australia, Victorian And Federal Branch 2
- Federated Photo Engravers, Photo-Lithographers and Photo-Gravure Employees' Association of Australia 2
- Federated Storemen And Packers' Union, Victorian Branch 2
- Federated Tobacco Workers' Union Of Australia, Victorian Branch 2
- Federation Of Australian University Staff Associations 2
- Ferrall-Heath, Hinerangi 2
- Film Collection (The University of Melbourne) 2
- Fink, Theodore 2
- Fitzgerald, Alexander 2
- Food Preservers' Union Of Australia Federal Council 2
- Food Preservers' Union Of Australia, Victorian Branch 2
- Ford, Harold A. 2
- Forster, Henry J. 2
- Forster, Howard C. 2
- Foster, John F. 2
- Frank Vial & Sons Pty Ltd 2
- Fraser, Una 2
- Free Kindergarten Union Of Victoria 2
- Gardiner, Lyndsay 2
- Garretty, Michael D. 2
- Gaston Bros. Pty Ltd 2
- Gawler, John S. 2
- Geikie, Alva 2
- George Sutherland Smith And Sons 2
- Giblin, Lyndhurst F. 2
- Gibson, Lew 2
- Gibson, Ralph 2
- Gibson, William R. 2
- Goldbloom, Sam 2
- Gouttman, Anne 2
- Graduate Careers Council (The University of Melbourne) 2
- Graham Brothers and Co. 2
- Graham Lederman and Co. 2
- Graham, Doris M. 2
- Greer, Germaine 2
- Gregory, John W. 2
- Grimwade, Wilfrid Russell 2
- Gustafson, J K. 2
- Halford, George B. 2
- Hardy Family 2
- Hare, Francis A. 2
- Harold, Anthony (Tony) M. 2
- Harper, Jan 2
- Harvester Co 2
- Heffey & Butler 2
- Heffey, Gerard 2
- Herington, Philip 2
- History Of The University Project (The University of Melbourne) 2
- Hoban, Eileen R. 2
- Hoff, Ursula 2
- Hore-Lacy, Ian 2
- Howe, Brian L. 2
- Howlett Family 2
- Howlett, Frederick 2
- Howlett, James A. 2
- Huddart Parker Ltd. 2
- Hurley, Tom 2
- Incorporated Association Of Registered Teachers Of Victoria 2
- Insurance Council Of Australia 2
- International Association For The Protection Of Industrial Property (Australia Group) 2
- International House (The University of Melbourne) 2
- Irving, Martin H. 2
- Isaac, Joseph E. 2
- J B Were and Son 2
- J. S. Kidd and Co. Pty Ltd 2
- J.W. Powling & Company 2
- James, William E. 2
- Jones, Evan 2
- Joseph, Helen 2
- Judy's Punch Collective 2
- Kaye, Geoffrey A. 2
- Kelly and Lewis Pty Ltd 2
- Kembla Coal And Coke Pty Limited 2
- Kilvington, Basil 2
- King, Haddon F. 2
- Klein, Renate 2
- Lane, Mary 2
- Langham, William H. 2
- Law Institute Of Victoria 2
- Law, Phillip G. 2
- Lee, Violet J. 2
- Leeper, Geoffrey W. 2
- Leith & Bartlett 2
- Liberty Victoria 2
- Library Committee (The University of Melbourne) 2
- Little, Graham 2
- Lloyd, Gwendolen (Gwenda) K. 2
- Longmore, Pat 2
- Lovell, Robert R. 2
- Lovering, Kerry 2
- Lynch, Phillip R. 2
- Mackay, Donald F. 2
- Macpherson Smith 2
- Madigan, Russel T. 2
- Manion, Margaret M. 2
- Manners-Sutton, John H. 2
- Marfleet And Weight Ltd 2
- Marginson, Simon 2
- Matthaei, Ernst 2
- Mawby, Maurice A. 2
- McKay, Ralph 2
- McPherson's Limited 2
- Mcgowan, George 2
- Mclean, Ralph 2
- Melbourne Beefsteak Club 2
- Melbourne University Australian Labor Party Club 2
- Melbourne University Car Club 2
- Melbourne University Chemical Society 2
- Melbourne University Cricket Club 2
- Melbourne University Hockey Club 2
- Melbourne University Law Review 2
- Melbourne University Mountaineering Club 2
- Melbourne University Rationalist Society 2
- Melbourne University Science Students' Society 2
- Melbourne University Student Union. Graduates' Section 2
- Mendes, Philip 2
- Mendes, Sally 2
- Menzies, Robert G. 2
- Merry, Donald H. 2
- Morrison, John G. 2
- Mount Lyell Mining And Railway Co. Ltd 2
- Movement Against Uranium Mining 2
- Murray Black, George 2
- Myer Emporium Ltd 2
- Nanson, Joan 2
- National Gallery Art School 2
- National Mutual Life Association of Australasia 2
- Norris, Dame A. 2
- North Broken Hill Peko Limited 2
- Noyes Bros. 2
- Nursing Projects Officer Group Inc. 2
- O'Brien, Jack L. 2
Show More - Collection Category...
- Access Status...
- Language of Material...
- Genre/Form...
- Documents 12
- Periodicals 7
- Photographs 5
- Correspondence 3
- Diaries 3
- Photographic prints 3
- Architectural drawings 2
- Posters 2
- Slides 2
- Textiles 2
- 3.5 inch Floppy disks 1
- Badges 1
- Compact Cassettes 1
- Design drawings 1
- Lantern slides 1
- Letters 1
- Newspaper clippings 1
- Objects 1
- Plans 1
- Press clippings 1
- U-Matic SP cassettes 1
- Video recordings 1
Show More - Subject...
- Subject (Place)...
- Strathfieldsaye Estate 5
- Bung Yarnda / Lake Tyers 2
- Lake Tyers (E Vic Gippsland SJ55-07) 2
- Balmoral (W Vic SJ54-07)|Melbourne map area (Vic SJ55-05) 1
- Barmah (N Vic SI55-13)| 1
- Fairlea Prison Yarra Bend Road Fairfield 1
- Japan 1
- Lake Wellington / Ramahyuck (E Vic Gippsland SJ55-11) 1
- Ramahyuck (E Vic Gippsland SJ55-11) || 1
- Royal Exhibition Building 1
- Sale (E Vic Gippsland SJ55-11) 1
- The System Garden 1
Show More - State of List...
- Creator...
- Event939
- Type...
- Located at...
- La Mama, Carlton, VIC 507
- Carlton Courthouse, Carlton, VIC 50
- Napier Street Theatre, South Melbourne, VIC 5
- Trades Hall, Carlton South, VIC 5
- La Mama Courthouse, Carlton, VIC 4
- Brotherhood of St Laurence Warehouse, Brunswick, VIC 3
- Courthouse Theatre, Carlton, VIC 3
- Organ Factory, Clifton Hill, VIC 3
- The Fitzroy Gallery, Fitzroy, VIC 2
- 3RRR Boardroom, Fitzroy, VIC 1
- Antarctica 1
- Black Box, Melbourne, VIC 1
- Dancehouse, North Carlton, VIC 1
- George Paton Gallery 1
- Goondiwindi 1
- Greenland 1
- Melbourne 1
- Parliament House, Canberra 1
- Polly Woodside, Southbank, VIC 1
- Pram Factory Front Theatre, Carlton, VIC 1
- Queen Victoria Women's Centre, Melbourne, VIC 1
- Red Shed Theatre, Adelaide, SA 1
- Station Eismitte 1
- The Storeroom at Parkview Hotel, North Fitzroy, VIC 1
- University of Melbourne Parkville Campus 1
- Victoria University, E Theatre, Footscray, VIC 1
- Wilson Hall [I] 1
Show More - Part of...
- Feature Collection5
- Image40512
- Creator...
- Media And Publication Services Office (University of Melbourne) 8862
- Grimwade, Wilfrid Russell 3343
- La Mama Theatre 3018
- Wodetzki, Norman 2307
- Learning Environments (University Of Melbourne) 2288
- McRae, Lee 2288
- Yuncken Freeman Architects Pty Ltd 2039
- Fraser, John Malcolm 1701
- Photonet - Michael Silver Photography 1414
- Department Of Geology (University Of Melbourne) 1339
- University Of Melbourne Archives 1257
- Howship Studios 1237
- Commercial Travellers' Association 1223
- Reinforced Concrete and Monier Pipe Construction Co. Pty Ltd 1200
- Shell Australia Limited 1068
- Howship, William John 1047
- Howlett, Charles E. 1003
- Ellis, John B. 957
- Unknown 808
- Armytage Family 778
- Greer, Germaine 545
- McKellar, Doris 544
- Broken Hill South Limited 495
- Australian Information Service 466
- O'Brien, Jack L. 454
- Fletcher Jones & Staff Pty Ltd 391
- Jones, David F. 391
- Jones, Ray 387
- Stadiums Pty Ltd 322
- Fraser, Una 306
- Bishop Family 305
- Sach, Colin 283
- Armstrong, Kenneth D. 282
- Johns, James H. 230
- Congress For International Co-operation And Disarmament 226
- Burston, Paul 202
- University Communications and Marketing 202
- Gallagher, Nathan 199
- Communist Party Of Australia. Victorian State Committee 194
- Christesen, Clement B. 186
- Sievers, Wolfgang 180
- Meanjin 179
- Jaggs, Donella 171
- Social Policy Archive 171
- Victorian Trades Hall Council 165
- Adamson, John R. 158
- Melbourne Theatre Company 158
- Niven, Francis W. 156
- Union Theatre Repertory Company 155
- Burton, Zoe 148
- Burnet, Frank Macfarlane 131
- Grimwade, Andrew S. 131
- Australian Red Cross Society, National Office 124
- CRA Limited 119
- Protocol And Functions Office (The University of Melbourne) 112
- Australian Constitutional Convention 110
- Finemore, John 110
- Kerley, Lucy F. 101
- National Gallery Art School 101
- Darge Photographic Company 100
- Clements Langford Pty Ltd 99
- Murray-Smith, Joanna 99
- Loewe, Fritz P. 98
- Macgeorge, Norman 92
- Beechworth Photographs 91
- Figallo, Tony 91
- Diaz, Maggie 87
- Hirschfeld-Mack, Ludwig 79
- Reeves, Andrew 78
- Foy & Gibson Pty Ltd 77
- Disher, Harold Clive 75
- Sargood Gardiner Ltd 72
- Boyd, Brian 70
- Barrett, James William 68
- Ralph, Gilbert M. 66
- Visual Aids Department (The University of Melbourne) 66
- Editions de l'Oiseau-Lyre 62
- C. Bayliss Photo, Sydney 61
- Dexter, Elizabeth Anne 61
- Val Foreman Photography 60
- George Paton Gallery 56
- Cunningham, George 54
- Gocher, Jyl 53
- Sarony Studios 53
- Conzinc Riotinto of Australia Limited 50
- Yarra Falls Spinning Co Pty Ltd 50
- Kuffer, C L. 49
- Strangman, Richard C. 49
- Australian Women's National League 48
- Brian Brandt & Associates 47
- Alex Stewart & Co 46
- Gibsonia Woollen Mills. 46
- Dupain, Max 41
- Lyssiotis, Peter 40
- Reid, James S. 40
- Vashti Collective 40
- Victorian Women's Liberation and Lesbian Feminist Archives Inc (VWLLFA) 40
- Hawkes, Ponch 39
- Melbourne Centre For The Study Of Higher Education (University Of Melbourne) 39
- Woman's Christian Temperance Union Of Victoria 39
- Allingham, Gordon 38
- Blackwood, Margaret 38
- Archer, William H. 37
- Metaxas, Georgia 37
- Beattie, John W. 36
- Clarke, Ian 36
- Joseph, Wendy 35
- Sears' Studios 35
- J O'Shannessy & Co. Collins Street Melbourne 34
- Carrick, Lloyd 33
- Irwin, Matt 33
- Major General Hoàng Xuân Lãm 33
- Pool, Lyn 32
- Bray, J E. 31
- Clayden, James 31
- Fishley, Bret 31
- Burke, Joseph T. 29
- Gollings, John 29
- Taylor, Simon 28
- Derham, Frances 27
- School Of Botany (University Of Melbourne) 27
- Figallo, Anthony 26
- Department Of Social Studies (The University of Melbourne) 25
- Melbourne College Of Advanced Education 25
- Mount Lyell Mining And Railway Co. Ltd 24
- Bennett, Walter E. 23
- Edgar Family 23
- Fitzpatrick, Kathleen E. 23
- McCoy Society For Research And Investigation,The 23
- Balmford, Rosemary A. 22
- Lawrence, Jack 22
- Priestley, Raymond E. 22
- University Of Melbourne, Mildura Branch 22
- Debenham, Frank 21
- Johnstone, O'Shannessy & Co. 21
- Pownall, Elizabeth 21
- Watkins, Skip 21
- Cozens, Henry I. 20
- Department of Lands & Survey 20
- Foord Family 20
- Leiss, Peter 20
- Malcom Fraser or a Fraser family member 20
- John Squire Photography 19
- Nolan, Rosemary 19
- Parker, Graham 19
- Vo, Thanh 19
- Bogaars, Collin 18
- Hordern, Louise 18
- Lyle, Thomas R. 18
- Melbourne University Town And Gown Guild 18
- Mueller, Ross 18
- Crofts Stores Pty Ltd 17
- Fraser, John Neville 17
- Keast, William Reginald 17
- Shmith, Athol 17
- Yura, Shigeru 17
- Baader, Russel 16
- Cookson, Isabel C. 16
- Department Of History (University of Melbourne) 16
- Mitelman, Jacqueline 16
- Gleeson, Paul 15
- Penlidis, James 15
- Terry Forrester Photography 15
- Crawley, Sabina 14
- Eric La Motte 14
- Phee, Marc 14
- Silver, Michael 14
- Weickhardt, Leonard W. 14
- Anderson, Bruce 13
- Bainbridge, Alan 13
- Busby, Jeff 13
- Coaldrake, Frank 13
- Figallo, Antony 13
- Australian Psychological Society 12
- Chambers, Thomas Carrick 12
- Fraser, Greig 12
- Hurley, James F. 12
- Karlhuber Photographic Pty. Ltd. 12
- Matthaei, Ernst 12
- Royal College Of Nursing Australia, Victorian Chapter 12
- Youth Hostels Association of Victoria 12
- Agar, Bernice 11
- Foster & Martin 11
- Green, Irvine 11
- Derham, Alfred Plumley 10
- Fishley, Brett 10
- Hudson, Mike 10
- McPherson's Limited 10
- Shier, Spencer 10
- The Reg V. Brock Studios 10
- William Holyman & Sons Pty Ltd 10
- Wunderlich Ltd 10
- Commercial Photographic Co. Pty. Ltd. 9
- Cortijo, Juan 9
- Fletcher, Alan 9
- Hawthorne, Susan 9
- Hoff, Ursula 9
- Ian Mckenzie Photography Pty. Ltd. 9
- Laby 9
- Lademann, Peter 9
- Levick, George M. 9
- Marks, David 9
- McQuillan, Ern 9
- Mumford, Peter 9
- Tickner, William K. 9
- Wilkinson, Mark 9
- Yapp, Tony 9
- Association Of Draughting, Supervisory And Technical Employees, Federal Branch 8
- Beddie, Melanie 8
- Carr, Brian 8
- Cornell, Frederick 8
- Darby, John F. 8
- Foreman, Val 8
- Hartung, Ernst J. 8
- Kiddle, Margaret L. 8
- Klein, Renate 8
- Laurie, Stewart 8
- Licina, Liliana 8
- Medley, John D. 8
- Page, Warwick 8
- Regional Dailies of Australia Ltd 8
- Royal Australian Air Force 8
- S. J. Hood Press Photographer 8
- Semmens, Edwin 8
- Spinifex Press Pty Ltd 8
- The Age 8
- ‘pling 8
- Allan Studios 7
- Anglo-Australasian Photographic Company 7
- Bareham, Fred 7
- Crown Studios 7
- Ferguson, Arthur 7
- Foreman Family 7
- Hartnett, Laurence J. 7
- Kent, Milton 7
- Marshall-Hall, George W. 7
- Newton, Helmut 7
- Ryan, Tom 7
- Student Action 7
- University Of Melbourne Department Of Psychology 7
- Young (nee Tait), Mary E. 7
- Zaetta, Frank 7
- Baker, Ian D. 6
- Basil 6
- Benadinavitch, Ben 6
- Bolton, John 6
- Burstall, Tom 6
- Department Of Crown Lands & Survey Victoria 6
- Dunbar, Jamie 6
- Edwards, John 6
- Fereday, Susan 6
- Frazer, C.J. 6
- Hammerstingl, Werner 6
- Johnstone, Richard 6
- Jones, Sharon 6
- Lane, Mary 6
- Macqueen, Gregor 6
- Mangiamele, George 6
- Maxwell Porteous 6
- Melbourne University Sports Union 6
- Milbret, Jens 6
- Pearl, B.A. and Presto, L. 6
- Rose, Ilana 6
- Russel, Glen 6
- Strangio, Laurence 6
- Trinick, John B. 6
- Wood, Kristine 6
- Abbott-Smith, Sally 5
- Barroni & Co 5
- Beaumont 5
- Buesst, Nigel 5
- Capital J. Plan Printing & Photographic Co. Pty. Limited 5
- Carnell, Sean 5
- Centre for the Study of Higher Education 5
- Chapman, Frederick S. 5
- Chisholm, Alan R. 5
- Douglass Baglin Pty. Ltd 5
- Downe, Marjorie 5
- Ducker, Sophie C. 5
- Gultmann, Jacki 5
- Hague-Smith, Jeanie 5
- Herald Sun 5
- J. G. Downes Chemist 5
- Johnson, Marian 5
- Jolliffe, Rose 5
- Kiraly, Attila 5
- Lowe, Dominic 5
- Matray, Sarah 5
- McDonald, Donald 5
- Montori, Maurice 5
- Olver, Norman H. 5
- Ponting, Herbert G. 5
- Radic, Therese 5
- Ruffin, Bryan 5
- T. Humphrey & Co. 5
- Turner, Paul 5
- Van, Blaise 5
- Wadham, Samuel M. 5
- White, Michael James Denham 5
- Wright, Charles S. 5
- Yeoman & Co. 5
- Adamson, Edwin G. 4
- Agar, Elizabeth 4
- Aulsebrook & Martin 4
- Bailey, Angela 4
- Byrning, Mal 4
- Carlton Studio 4
- Casetta, Veronica 4
- Crawford, Raymond M. 4
- Davies, Suzanne 4
- Deaney, Anita 4
- Falk Studios 4
- Fiddes, James 4
- Foster, A. 4
- Fraser, Caitlin 4
- Hampson, Anna 4
- Herald and Weekly Times Ltd. Melbourne 4
- Hoban, Eileen R. 4
- Hobbs, Chris 4
- Hooper, Jim 4
- Ingram, Dianne 4
- Jones, Liz 4
- Jones, Lloyd 4
- Knighton, Katie 4
- Lawrence, Karen 4
- Lohr, Heidrun 4
- Marshall Studios 4
- McAlpin, Deryk 4
- McFarlane, Robert 4
- McLennan, Ethel 4
- Milne, Peter 4
- National Museum of Victoria 4
- Office Of The Registrar (University Of Melbourne) 4
- Patterson Family 4
- Privitera, Salvatore 4
- Queensberry Photography 4
- Rae Bros? 4
- Ronaldson Bros & Tippett Ltd 4
- Russell, John 4
- Smith, G.P. 4
- Tasker, A.G 4
- Tauber, Andrew 4
- The New Talma Studios 4
- The University of Melbourne 4
- Tierney, Leonard J. 4
- Vandyck 4
- Washington, Eric 4
- Watt, Julian 4
- Woolf, Rob 4
- de Bruin, Clare 4
- Adrian Crothers Pty. Ltd. 3
- Age, The 3
- Amor, Rick 3
- Angerson, Jeremy 3
- Ashton, James 3
- Australian Photographic Agency 3
- Banger, Kath 3
- Barker, F.G. 3
- Barnes, W E. 3
- Batchelder & O'Neill 3
- Bishop, Alice 3
- Bracken, Simon 3
- Burlington Studios 3
- Cabanban, Orland 3
- Cantrill, Arthur 3
- Cantrill, Corinne 3
- Charles and Emily Ashdown 3
- Conti, Abramo 3
- Coward Of Canberra 3
- Department Of Fine Arts (University of Melbourne) 3
- Drofenik, Sarah 3
- Duke's and Orr's Amalgamated Dry Docks Ltd 3
- E.C. Waddington & Co. 3
- Falloon, Doug 3
- Female Confectioners' Union 3
- Flynn, Gordon 3
- Fotofast 3
- Gemmell, Jaqui 3
- Geoffrey Lee Pty. Ltd. 3
- Gerson, Mark 3
- Gollings, Kate 3
- Guerin, Bella 3
- Guilfoyle, William R. 3
- H. Walter Barnett & Co Ltd Studio 3
- Harper, Norman D. 3
- Hercus, Eric O. 3
- Herzog, Naomi 3
- Hunter, Simon 3
- Jensen, Fred 3
- Jones, Henry 3
- Knight, Dale 3
- Laby, Thomas H. 3
- Lafayette 3
- Latrobe Studios 3
- Maddison, Ruth 3
- Main, Jim 3
- Mann, F.S. 3
- McKellar 3
- Melbourne Steamship Co. Ltd 3
- Mullins, Henry 3
- Nettleton, C. 3
- Ostoja-Kotkowski, Joseph S. 3
- Paterson Brothers 3
- Payens 3
- Pedersen, Courtney 3
- Perry, Judith 3
- Pitt, Henry A. 3
- Price, Jenny 3
- Raison, Craig 3
- Reid, Gordon 3
- Ritter-Jeppesen Pty. Ltd. 3
- Ritter-Jeppesen Studios 3
- Samson, Andrew 3
- Santos, Emmamel 3
- Sengupta, Anita 3
- Sisters Publishing Ltd 3
- Sowden, Harry 3
- Stephenson, Alfred 3
- Stewart & Co. 3
- Sutton, Charles S. 3
- Swift, Bliss 3
- Szezepanski, Michael 3
- Talma & Co 3
- The Argus 3
- Tuz, Sylvia 3
- Wadelton, David 3
- Warden, Edwin R. 3
- Yeomans 3
- Young Women's Christian Association Of Australia 3
- de Bruin, Clair 3
- Adam, Leonhard 2
- Alan Studios 2
- Australasian Meat Industry Employees' Union, Victorian Branch 2
- Australian Red Cross Society, Victorian Division 2
- Avery Family 2
- Ballarat Courier Press 2
- Bardwell 2
- Bartels, Ron 2
- Batchelder & Co. 2
- Biddington, G 2
- Bishop Roland & Co. 2
- Bishop, A. 2
- Bogaars, Colin 2
- Brown, Andy 2
- C E Farr Photo, Perth, WA 2
- C J Frazer, 154 Little Collins Street Melbourne 2
- Carnegie, Gwendolen A. 2
- Cato, Jack 2
- Chuter, Robert 2
- Cocher, Jyl 2
- Coldicutt, Kenneth J. 2
- Cox, Mary 2
- Crossley, Jill 2
- Cutler, Terrence A. 2
- Dacre & Pauline Stubbs 2
- Dater, Henry M. 2
- David Parker 2
- Department of Information 2
- Diaz, Maggis 2
- Drew, Ray 2
- Dyason, Diana (Ding) Joan 2
- Dyson, Greg 2
- Early, David 2
- Emery, Henry C. 2
- Evans, Joyce 2
- Faculty Of Architecture And Planning (University Of Melbourne) 2
- Fank Slee Studio 2
- Fielding, Dorothy 2
- Fisher, Hugh 2
- Graphic photographs 2
- Green, Andrew 2
- Greenaway, Kylie 2
- Greenham & Evans, Perth 2
- Gregory, Bill 2
- Grouzelles & Cie 2
- Groves, T T. 2
- Hawke, Ponch 2
- Howlett, Frederick 2
- Humphrey T. & Co. 2
- Irvine Green Pty. Limited 2
- J.E. Bray Photo 2
- J.J. & E.J Clark 2
- John Warlow Studios 2
- Koonan, Jackie 2
- Kraina, Winfred J. 2
- Lafayette - Sarony 2
- Lawson, Professor John 2
- Leyland, Elizabeth 2
- Liguz, Andrzej 2
- Lindt, J. W. 2
- Marks, A. 2
- McArthur, Jan 2
- McMahon, Michael 2
- McNeiume, Tim 2
- McRae, Tommy 2
- Melba & Co. 2
- Melba Studios. 2
- Melbourne Photo & Graphic Services Pty. Ltd. 2
- Melbourne University Boat Club 2
Show More - Series...
- [UMA-SRE-20130059] Production and promotional photographs of La Mama Theatre 3003
- [UMA-SRE-20020003] Photograph albums of Wilfrid Russell and Mabel Grimwade 2447
- [UMA-SRE-20220036] Learning Environments photographs 2288
- [UMA-SRE-20180115] Photographs of projects by Yuncken Freeman Architects and predecessors 2038
- [UMA-SR-000001881] Lantern slides used by Raymond Priestley during lectures on polar exploration 1339
- [UMA-SR-000001779] Photographs for Australia Today 1204
- [UMA-SR-000001961] Nitrate negatives for photographs taken by Charles Edward Howlett 1000
- [UMA-SR-000000049] Photographs depicting or taken by the Armytage family 660
- [UMA-SRE-20140054] PHOTOGRAPHS 523
- [UMA-SR-000000031] Shell Products 474
- [UMA-SR-000001984] Photographs taken by Jack Lockyer O'Brien 454
- [UMA-SR-000000159] Photographs of the Fraser family 304
- [UMA-SR-000000855] Photographs of James Harold Wesley Johns 230
- [UMA-SR-000001100] CICD Photographs, Exhibitions 226
- [UMA-SR-000000038] Early Motoring and Motor Sports 179
- [UMA-SR-000000029] Operations 178
- [UMA-SR-000000280] Portrait photographs of authors 178
- [UMA-SR-000000055] Academic Administration 131
- [UMA-SR-000000048] Objects and Artworks of the Armytage Family 115
- [UMA-SR-000000880] ACC 25 Photographs 110
- [UMA-SR-000001016] Photographs - art collection 104
- [UMA-SR-000000025] Photographs compiled for Lucy Kerley's History of the National Gallery School 101
- [UMA-SR-000000028] Refineries 101
- [UMA-SRE-20200001] Joanna Murray Smith Works 97
- [UMA-SR-000000037] Aviation p
- Creator...