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template is Document
Object - Wooden framed directory of services at the CTA Club, Melbourne
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Object - Wooden ballot box with painted on front: CTA of Victoria Ballot Box", with slot at the top.
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Object - Wooden bust stand, polished dark timber, with brass nameplate: James Davies.
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Object - Bronze bust on green marble base, of General Secretary of the UCTAA, James Davies (1865-1931)
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Object - Wooden shield with engraved metal attachments, for the CTA of Victoria Annual Competition snooker championship
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Object - Silver trophy on bakelite base for the Leatherheads Social Championship
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Object - small frame with photograph of former UCTAA President A Winton Jack, signed and dated by him.
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Object - small frame containing letter from Admiral RE Coontz of the USS Seattle thanking the CTA, Melbourne, for their hospitality
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Object - small frame containing letter from Buckingham Palace, Privy Purse Office, granting the Queen's patronage of the UCTAA.
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Object - CTA of Victoria lever press seal
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Object - Key on a yellow tag "Key for sub-editors satchel (hand case) New one 24/1/1925"
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Object - Bakelite ashtray with central metal logo of the CTA of Victoria
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Object - Wooden trophy givent by the Palmerston North Commercial Travellers & Warehousemens Association of NZ in commemoration of their visit in 1967 and the golf tournament.
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Object - Elongated oval silver tray with engraved centre given to Alfred Mendoza by the "his North Eastern Colleagues" on his retirement "from the road" in 1919.
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Object - Elongated oval silver tray with engraved centre given to Alfred Mendoza by the CTA of Victoria at his retirement in 1927 and in recognition of 27 years in office.
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Object - Plastic framed certificate from the Sailors Soldiers and Airmen Fathers Association of Australia Victorian Branch, presented to the CTA of Victoria in recognition of its support
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Object - Wooden plaque decorated with NZ and kiwi in native shell, commemorating the visit of Canterbury Commercial Travellers & Warehousemens Association Cricket Club and game against the CTA of Victoria Cricket Club
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Object - Brass plaque commemorating the Committee  overseeing the construction of the CTA of Victoria Club building
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Object - Bronze plaque in tribute to CTA members who "served King and Country"
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Object - Annual Challenge wooden shield for CTA of Victoria bowling club and Ballarat Travellers Social Club
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UCTAA booklets
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Object - CTA of Victoria Club wash bowl and chamber pot
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Object - CTA of Victoria Club wash jug and small dish
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UCTAA General Rough Cash Book
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CRICOS number: 00116K

ABN: 84 002 705 224