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- Religion - Totemism 9
- Aboriginal Australians 8
- Religions - Christianity - Missions 6
- Art - Rock art - Painting 3
- Indigenous Australians 3
- Art - Rock art 2
- First Peoples 2
- Land rights 2
- Land rights - Mining industry 2
- Social welfare 2
- Animals - Invertebrates - Crustacea and molluscs - Trochus 1
- Animals - Mammals - Marsupial megafauna 1
- Art - Painting - Bark 1
- Child welfare 1
- Children 1
- Dance - Recreational - Corroboree 1
- Death - Human remains 1
- Demography 1
- Demography - Population dynamics 1
- Economic sectors - Agriculture and horticulture - Sugar 1
- Economic sectors - Pearling 1
- Education 1
- Education - Vocational and trades 1
- Employment - Conditions 1
- Employment - Conditions - Slavery and indentured labour 1
- Fishing 1
- Food - Bush tucker 1
- Health - Nutrition disorders 1
- Housing - Shelters - Rock shelters 1
- Indigenous peoples - Pacific 1
- Language - Linguistics 1
- Mining industry - Bauxite / Aluminium 1
- Music 1
- Music - Instruments - Wind - Didjeridu 1
- Music - Musicology - Ethnomusicology 1
- Music - Vocal - Clan songs 1
- Religion - Dreaming 1
- Religion - Rites 1
- Religion - Spirituality 1
- Sites - Excavations 1
- Sites - Sacred sites 1
- Sites - Scarred trees - Canoe trees 1
- Social identity - Mixed descent 1
- Social organisation - Elders 1
- Social organisation - Kinship 1
- Spearthrowers 1
- Substance use - Alcohol 1
- Technology 1
- Technology - Tools 1
- Weapons - Spearthrowers 1
- Women 1
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- Yirrkala (East Arnhem Land SD53-04) 3
- Groote Eylandt (NT Gulf Islands SD53-07, SD53-08) 2
- Kakadu / Alligator Rivers area (NT SD53-01, SD53-05) 1
- Ord River / Lake Argyle (WA East Kimberley SE52-02, SD52-14) 1
- Torres Strait Islands (Qld TSI SC54, SC55-05) 1
- (Arnhem Land NT SD53-01) 1
- Aire River / Glen Aire (Cape Otway W Vic SJ54-12) 1
- Antwerp (NW Vic SJ54-03) 1
- Barunga / Bamyili (NT Top End Upper Roper SD53-09) 1
- Bentinck Island (Qld Gulf Wellesley Islands SE54-02) 1
- Brisbane (SE Qld SG56-15) 1
- Broken Hill map area (NW NSW SH54-15) 1
- Bung Yarnda / Lake Tyers 1
- Gove map area (East Arnhem Land NT SD53-04) 1
- Gunbalanya / Oenpelli (West Arnhem Land NT SD53-01) 1
- Kangaroo Island (SE SA SI53-16) 1
- Lancefield (Vic SJ55-05) 1
- Lithgow (SW NSW SI56-05) 1
- Melbourne map area (Vic SJ55-05) 1
- Moreton Bay (SE Qld SG56-15) 1
- Nhulunbuy / Gove (East Arnhem Land NT SD53-04) 1
- Petermann Ranges map area (South Central NT SG52-07) 1
- Phillip Island (Western Port Vic SJ55-09) 1
- Pukatja / Ernabella (SA Central Australia SG53-09) 1
- Uluru / Ayers Rock (South Central NT SG52-08) 1
- Warrnambool (W Vic SJ54-11) 1
- Willeroo (North NT SD52-16) 1
- Yuendumu (South Central NT SF52-12) 1
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