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- [UMA-SR-000000082] Notes 18
- [UMA-SR-000000085] Manuscripts and books 8
- [UMA-SR-000000171] Correspondence of Leonhard Adam 8
- [UMA-SR-000000084] Articles and reports 6
- [UMA-SR-000000087] Pictures and photographs 6
- [UMA-SR-000000081] Internment camp, Tatura 2
- [UMA-SR-000000083] Excerpts from other academics 2
- [UMA-SR-000000086] Newspaper clippings 1
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- Aboriginal Australians 33
- First Peoples 33
- Indigenous Australians 33
- Technology - Stone 10
- Art - Rock art 8
- Anthropology - Theory and criticism 2
- Art - Subjects - Dreamtime story 2
- Religion - Rites - Ceremonial objects - Tjuringa / Churinga 2
- Art 1
- Art - Art motifs - Abstract 1
- Art - Collections - Acquisitions 1
- Art - Exhibitions 1
- Art - Painting - Bark 1
- Art - Production - Materials / techniques - Ochre 1
- Art - Rock art - Painting 1
- Art - Sculpture - Carving 1
- Cultural heritage - Protection - Museums and keeping places 1
- Cultural heritage - Protection - Museums and keeping places - Exhibition and display 1
- Language - Texts and translations - Aboriginal to non-Aboriginal language 1
- Music 1
- Music - Instruments - Wind - Didjeridu 1
- Music - Musicology - Ethnomusicology 1
- Religion - Totemism 1
- Technology 1
- Technology - Bone 1
- Technology - Functional analysis 1
- Technology - Stone - Backed artefacts 1
- Weapons - Boomerangs 1
- Weapons - Clubs and fighting sticks - Fighting 1
- Weapons - Spears - Fighting 1
- Weapons - Spearthrowers - Making 1
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- Groote Eylandt (NT Gulf Islands SD53-07, SD53-08) 4
- Mparntwe / Alice Springs (South Central NT SF53-14) 4
- Phillip Island (Western Port Vic SJ55-09) 4
- Angurugu (Groote Eylandt NT Gulf Islands SD53-07) 2
- Arnhem Land (NT) 2
- Boulia map area (Qld Far West SF54-10) 1
- Davenport (West SA SI53-04) 1
- Engawala / Alcoota (South Central NT SF53-10) 1
- Mutawintji / Mootwingee / Mutanie (NW NSW SH54-15) 1
- Ntaria / Hermannsburg (South Central NT SF53-13) 1
- Shepparton (N Vic SJ55-01) 1
- Simpson Gap (South Central NT SF53-14) 1
- Wupipi / Broome (WA West Kimberley SE51-06) 1
- Yirrkala (East Arnhem Land SD53-04) 1
- Yule River (WA East Pilbara SF50-07, SF50-08) 1
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