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template is Audio
Farewell to Sir David & Lady Derham, 24th May 1982
template is Audio
Service of Thanksgiving for the Life & Work of Professor Emeritus Sir David Derham
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Air Liaison Recollections: Major David Derham with General Tim Cape, Lt Col Alan Fleming and Captain Phil Braddock / Rosemary Derham reminiscing about work in WW2
template is Audio
John Cain on Monash Law School
template is Audio
Conversation with (Lady) Alice Paton /  Rosemary Derham Memories of Vice Chancellor's House, University of Melbourne 1951 to 1968
template is Audio
Sir David Derham and Mr David Sloper's  research into Office of Vice Chancellor, Tape 3
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Sir David Derham and Mr David Sloper's  research into Office of Vice Chancellor, Tape 2
template is Audio
Sir David Derham and Mr David Sloper's  research into Office of Vice Chancellor, Tape 1
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David Derham talking to Peter Ryan about the Derham New Guinea Report

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