IdentifierUMA-ACE-19910066Extent16 drawersLinear Meteragenot specifiedScope and ContentThese cards, for former students of surnames A-GRAHAM who enrolled in the years to 1958, complete the set of which the greater part was sent to Archives previously.
Information on the cards comprising this accession had been compiled over many years in response to requests for confirmation of results and other reasons. Numerous requests by genealogists and historians becoming increasingly burdensome to the section (entailing searches through numerous records if no card had been made up for the individual), at the urging of the Officer-in-Charge Ray Sheffield (and with support from the Senior Archivist) money was granted for a staff member to go through all primary records available systematically and compile from them a complete and correct set of records. Gerda Koch, who had resigned from the Section in 1979, was reappointed for the task. Student cards have not been compiled since 1986 and the information is now recorded electronically.
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Students' Records Office (University Of Melbourne), [1991.0066] Student Record Cards (1855-c.1970), [UMA-ACE-19910066]. University of Melbourne Archives, accessed 26/01/2025,