Council Committee on Student Matters Material
Student Representation on Faculty Committees etc.
The University of Melbourne: Extract - The Australian National University News Sheet: "University Government"
Australia Bulletin - Inquiry into Student Relations - Select Committee's Findings
Van Moorst Interview
University of Adelaide Act Amendment
Address by the Honourable Malcolm Fraser, M.P., Minister for Education and Science at the Conference on Planning in Higher Education, Armidale, 11 August, 1969: "The Role of Tertiary Education in Relation to Australia's Needs"
Student Participation in Departmental Affairs Correspondence
"When Authority Falters, Raw Power Moves in" by Robert A. Nisbet
AVCC Working Paper: "The Australian University Student: Admission, Selection and Progress"
Conference on Planning in Higher Education, Armidale: Vice-Principal Report (R.G. Marginson)
Conference on Planning in Higher Education, Armidale: T. Roper Report
Monash University Council: Committee on the Constitution of Council