[The Exploration of Greenland and the Polar Regions - Papers and Notes]
Manuskript Grönland Alpen [Greenland Alps Manuscript] [Papers and Graphs]
Expeditionpläne [Expedition Plans] [Papers]
Polarforschung. Alfred Wegeners letzte Schlittenreise + Korrelation Oberflaiche 500mb in Winter (Nov-Marz / Eismitte) [Polar Research. Alfred...
[Alfred Wegener Speech and Notes]
Durchschreibeblock [Carbon Notebook]
[Assorted Articles, Brochure, Report, Map and Notes]
Wegener Memorial Function [Newspaper Cuttings and Photographs]
[German Greenland Expedition Flyers]
Zeitungsaufsatz Vor Expedition [Newspaper Article on the Expedition]
Dr. Loewe - American Ice Sheet - Ice Island - Historical [Paper, Report and Notes]
Wegener Vortrag [Wegener Lecture] [Papers]
Scientific Exploration of Greenland [Manuscript, Notes, Letters and Data]
The Scientific Exploration of Greenland [Report]
[Greenland Diary 1967]
Manuskript - Quamarajuk [Quamarajuk Manuscript] [Paper, Letters and Data]
Quamarajuk - A. Bauer [Map, Letter, Review, Photograph and Postcard]
Letters Havens Greenland 1964 [Letters and Notes]
Report on Activities of Sondrestrom-Sukkertoppen Project 1964 [Report]
Radiation Observations 1964 [Papers, Data and Notes]
[Greenland Diary 1962 & 1964]
Sondre Stromfjord - Sukkertoppen 1963 [Data, Notes, Letter and Paper]