Rapture Late 2002
[ICI Negative - five men around table]
[ICI Negative - two men seated at table]
University of Melbourne Plan, 1855.
Union House with Union Lawn in foreground, University of Melbourne, circa 1950-1955.
Union House, University of Melbourne, circa 1950-1955.
Students' Cafeteria, University of Melbourne.
Melbourne Varsity baseball team, Adelaide, 1927.
Melbourne University baseball team, Sydney, 13 September 1928.
Melbourne University baseball team.
Karel Axel Lodewycks, University of Melbourne, 1962.
Inter-Varsity Baseball, Adelaide, 1927.
Antarctica Expedition, circa 1907-1912.
[Assorted negatives]
Pianelli, Butterflies
[The Mills and city scape]
[The Mills]
Jes in Venice
[Beach goers]
[Flowers , Butterflies]
Safety film negatives
Nitrate negatives
Halftone negatives
Dye coupler negatives
Color separation negatives
Photographic negative, Head Office building, Queens and Collins Streets, Melbourne, National Mutual Life Association