Accession[1967.0003] Papers of John Dudley Gibbs MedleyIdentifierUMA-ITE-1967000300001Scope and ContentTypescript folder of addresses given by John Medley, page numbered 1-52. Contains: Annual Commencement Address, 1 April 1939; Anzac Day Address, 25 April 1939; New Education Fellowship Meeting Address, 2 May 1939; Victorian Council for Social Training Address, 10 May 1939; 'Education in a Democracy at War' Address to Education Reform Association, 28 November 1939; 'Progress in Goodwill' Christmas Day Broadcast, 25 December 1939; 'The World at the Crossroads' Good Friday Broadcast 1940; Commencement Address, 13 April 1940; Speech delivered to Meeting of Staff and Students, 30 May 1940; 'Are We Fighting for Phantoms?' Broadcast, 9 June 1940; 'Mechanised Morale' Broadcast, 21 June 1940; 'Ruthless Optimism' Broadcast, 30 June 1940.
These addresses were subsequently published as a booklet by Melbourne University Press: Addresses 1939-1940. MUP, 1940, which is held as item 1964.0001.00012Access StatusOpen for public accessRequest TypeRequest itemUnitSI (Uni) Unit 0028
Medley, John D., Addresses given by John Medley (1939-1940), [UMA-ITE-1967000300001]. University of Melbourne Archives, accessed 10/02/2025,