Series[UMA-SRE-20140039] RESEARCH AND REFERENCE CARD INDEXESAccession[2014.0038] GERMAINE GREER ARCHIVEIdentifierUMA-ITE-2014003900603Scope and ContentReference, typed cards: P Gilliatt, 1969, What's it like out? And other stories, Secker and Warburg, London. Notes, typed: a woman who pleads the cause of me? Old men, fat men, drunk men, and monstrous beautiful girls. Back of card is blank.Access StatusAccess restrictions applyRequest TypeRequest unitUnit2014.0039 Unit 0007Copyright StatusUniversity copyrightConditions of Use and ReproductionCopyright owned by University of Melbourne. For information about ordering a copy of this image contact the University of Melbourne Archives: digitised items | Available online