[Colour Slide of the Mounting of Plaques]
[Colour Photograph of the Japanese Stone Garden]
[Colour Photograph of the Japanes Stone Garden]
[Photograph by the Australian Photographic Agency]
[Cowra Japanese War Cemetery - Photograph]
[Cowra Japanese War Cemetery Documentation and Copies]
[Correspondence about the Japanese Stone Lantern and Amendment to Specification of Japanese War Cemetery]
[Correspondence between the Embassy of Japan and the Australian War Memorial]
[Three Photographs and Correspondence]
[Correspondence 13 August 1963]
Extract 14 August 1967
Tony Mooney receipt for documents
[Press Clipping] [Ceremony at Cowra Japanese War Cemetery to remember those who fell during the Cowra breakout]
[Press Clipping]
[Four Loose Leaf Pages - Eleven Black and White Photographs Attached]
Amendment to Specification for Japanese War Cemetery at Cowra NSW - Contract No. 2042
[Untitled Plan]
[Sketch of Japanese Stone Garden]
Sketch of Cowra War Cemetery
War Cemetery Sketch
Design for Stone Lantern
Cemetery Location Diagram
War Cemetery Plan 1