Aims and Objects of Eugenics Society
What is Eugenics?
The Eugenics Society of Victoria Syllabus of Public Lectures 1945
Eugenics Society of Victoria library - member entitlements, rules and list of books
Event Card - The Eugenics Society of Victoria, An Illustrated Lecture on "The Aim and Scope of Eugenics"
The Eugenics Review Volume 39 Number 4
Eugenic Problems Needing Research
Early Marriage
Annual Report
Australian Population Problems
Mailing list
Balance sheets
Miscellaneous documents
Replies to Dr. Cunningham's letter
Press clippings and documents about the 'Racial Hygiene Association of Victoria'
Copies of Professor Agar's letter
Publications about eugenics and birthcontrol
Minute Book
Wallace, Victor H.
Medley, John D.
Agar, Wilfred E.
[UMA-SR-000001951] Records of the Eugenics Society of Victoria