IdentifierUMA-ACE-19840120Extent6 boxesLinear Meterage0.86Scope and ContentPapers relating to the estate of Sarah Elizabeth Bussell Punchard Wood; Scouting material (1930s); The Great Morwell Coal Mining Co. N.L. - prospectus, Directors' reports (1889-98); Newscutting Book (1891-99); Statutes; mining publications and reports including 'Mineral Resources of Australia Summary Report, Nos. 1-36 (1940's-50's) including at least one issue compiled by Croll; parliamentary papers on Coal in Victoria; geological investigations in Qld; Report on the Lignite beds at Lal Lal and Altona; short biographical note, Croll, I.C.H.Access StatusOpen for public accessRequest Access to RecordsRequest records from this accessionSearch within this Accession
Previous System ID1984.0120State of ListFully listed
Croll, Ian C., [1984.0120] Papers of Ian C H Croll (1889-1951), [UMA-ACE-19840120]. University of Melbourne Archives, accessed 10/02/2025,