IdentifierUMA-ACE-19870188Extent10 Type 3 boxesLinear Meteragenot specifiedScope and ContentStudent card with photographs. Each card records the student's name, date of matriculation and/or graduation and black-and-white photograph. Council at a meeting on 2 September 1946 decided that all new matriculants (in effect, students enrolling at the University wherever they may have matriculated, and including Canberra University College students) and, later, graduands would be required to be photographed. The photography was done initally by staff of the Faculty Workshops, situated at the rear of the Botany School, and later by the new Visual Aids Department (though obviously other arrangements were made by Canberra University College). The program, which was coordinated by the Registrar, lapsed after a few years, though some individual departments and faculties continued to maintain a parallel system of student cards which often included a photograph.Collection CategoryUniversity, officialAccess StatusOpen for public accessRequest Access to RecordsRequest records from this accession
Previous System ID1987.0188State of ListUnlistedSource of DescriptionUM 312 Registrar's Correspondence 1946/761 (in File 1954/787)Descriptive NoteNot listed
Office Of The Registrar (University Of Melbourne), [1987.0188] Student cards (c.1946-1952), [UMA-ACE-19870188]. University of Melbourne Archives, accessed 26/01/2025,