IdentifierUMA-ACE-19900043Extentnot specifiedLinear Meterage0.01Scope and ContentCopy of letter Roy Grounds to Frank Downes, Hon. Sec. University House, concerning proposed extensions, 24 July 1956; plans of First Floor Plan and Ground Floor Plan, July 1956 (foolscap size); two photographs of the extensions, 8 February 1956: one from the south, the other from south-west. On black strip of paper "A Proposal for Extensions" (i.e., these items were displayed on the University House notice-board.)Collection CategoryUniversity Clubs and SocietiesAccess StatusOpen for public accessRequest Access to RecordsRequest records from this accession
Previous System ID1990.0043State of Listnot specifiedDescriptive NoteNo Finding Aid. Request all boxes
University House, [1990.0043] Records of University House (1956), [UMA-ACE-19900043]. University of Melbourne Archives, accessed 16/02/2025,