IdentifierUMA-SRE-20150048Extent1 UnitLinear Meterage0.32Scope and ContentPublications by or about Brian Boyd while he was Secretary of the Victorian Trades Hall Council. "There is corruption...and then there is CORRUPTION! An expose of turning a blind eye to corporate bribery, fraud and greed in Australia", compilation and commentary by Brian Boyd, Secretary of the Victorian Trades Hall Council, June 2014. Gordon McCaskie, 'Brian Boyd: a trade unionist", LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012, Germany. 'Lessons for the 21st century: The Builders Labourers Federation 'Never Powerless'", May 2012. two plackards: 'Victoria Says Bust the Budget June 2014' and No Silencing Act" authorised by Brian Boyd, VTHC, 2014. Three rally posters: Our Community Counts: March for a Fair Australia, 1pm Sunday 6th July 2014 Queen Victoria Gardens.Collection CategoryLabourAccess StatusOpen for public accessRequest Access to RecordsRequest records from this Series
Previous System ID2015.0048Descriptive NoteNo Finding Aid. Request all boxes
Boyd, Brian, [UMA-SRE-20150048] WORKS OF BRIAN BOYD (2012-2014), [UMA-SRE-20150048]. University of Melbourne Archives, accessed 13/02/2025,