[UMA-SRE-20140068] Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry General Administrative Records
IdentifierUMA-SRE-20140068Extent17 UnitsLinear Meterage2.04Scope and ContentThese records may be divided into six main categories: 1. the University Field Stations at Mt. Derrimut and Strathfieldsaye, 2. Faculty Committee minutes and correspondence, 3. research funds from outside bodies, 4. student cards, 5. examination files and 6. a number of booklets and files regarding outside organisations. 1. The main committees representing Mt. Derrimut and Strathfieldsaye are the Mt. Derrimut Committee, Farm Sub Committee and Sheep Breeding Sub Committee. Similarly there is the Strathfieldsaye Bequest Committee and Farm Sub Committee. They discuss finance, services, farm facilities and development programmes. The finance files refer to budgets, accounts, departmental votes, as well as to annual and capital expenditure. There are also references to teaching, accommodation, student fees, animal research facilities and the appointment of a warden, manager and farm consultants. Other matters include vehicles, the consultants and farm manager's reports and salaries. There are also details of farm rental, produce and forestry, the glasshouse at Mt. Derrimut and horses on agistment at Mt. Derrimut. Farm facilities include the purchase of livestock, machinery, buildings, fencing and equipment. There is a wide range of services: water, roads, electricity, gas, fuel, oil, telephones, security and sewerage. There are also references to minor works, insurance, maintenance, fire protection and safety. The Development Programmes are primarily concerned with raising the productive capacities of land and animals, reducing labour inputs and the renovation of buildings. 2. Minutes and correspondence emanate from the following committees: the Departmental Advisory Committee, the Faculty Academic Committee, the Faculty Assembly, the Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, the Faculty Executive Committee, the Faculty Budgets Committee and the Faculty Budgets and Management Committee. There are also references to the amalgamation of Agriculture and Forestry, Buildings Office correspondence and the building plans of the School of Agriculture and Forestry. The minutes and correspondence cover all aspects of the policies and organisation of the faculty. There are references to selection quotas, weighted student units (W.S.U.), academic appointments, study leave, the establishment of a Chair in Forestry, teaching, courses, course revision and examinations. Student matters include fourth year electives, postgraduate students, supervision, the examination of theses, as well as scholarships, research grants, foundations, credits for diplomas from other Agricultural Colleges, e.g. Dookie, Burnley and Longerenong, timetables, excursions, tours and vacation work. There are details of the affiliation with the Victorian School of Forestry at Creswick, statutes and amendments, the future of Mt. Derrimut and Strathfieldsaye, the Deans' Reports and the Deanship. Other important matters include the Australian-Asian Cooperative Scheme, the project in overseas animal production, triennium planning, bequests, conferences, overseas visitors and election to membership of faculty. There are also references to the use of the term 'school', the glasshouse facilities in the systems gardens, as well as to the ground floor laboratories in the North Wing, the maintenance of motor vehicles, flammable liquid cabinets and other equipment. The financial files deal with budgets, departmental votes, other teaching allowances (O.T.A.), the equipment allocation and triennium planning. The Faculty Contingency and Reserve Funds, the Departmental Basic Research Grant and official allowances are also mentioned. 3. Research funds from outside sources come from the following organisations: the Australian Wool Board, the Wheat Research Council, the Reserve Bank Rural Credits Development Fund, the Poultry Research Advisory Committee, as well as the Australian Equine Research Foundation, the Australian Institute of Development Studies, the Australian Meat Research Committee and the Australian Pig Research Committee. There are references to applications for grants, the distribution of funds and details of research projects. There are also some other miscellaneous records within this group. They include the Faculties of Science and Engineering minutes, the International Commission in Irrigation and Drainage, a Unit in Overseas Animal Production (Saudi Arabia) and "Strathtulloh" which was inspected as a possible alternative to Mt. Derrimut as a Faculty Field Station. There are also records relating to scholarships, foundations, prizes, awards, bequests, estates etc. 4. The student cards refer to two groups of students: graduates and those who did not complete the course due to failure or because they abandoned the course, suspended or transferred to another course. They give the standard student information: name, date of birth, home and Melbourne address, telephone, school results, as well as University or Agricultural Colleges attended, farming experience, war service, type of agriculture interested in and examination results. Some cards have a passport size photograph on the back. On top of these cards there is also a cardboard volume labelled "University of Melbourne School of Agriculture. Yearly List of Graduates 1911 -". 5. The examination files give administrative details, as well as results and the winners of exhibitions and scholarships. There are references to the appointment of examiners, timetables, supplementary examinations, admission to special examinations, applications for special consideration, as well as to memoranda setting out examination procedures and discipline policy. Other matters include rules for granting a faculty pass, oral examinations, students unable to sit for medical reasons and the marking of Agricultural Science papers at the leaving and matriculation levels. There are numerous computer printout examination return sheets, data sheets on student courses, examination statistics and the Dookie Agricultural College students' reports. 6. There is a quantity of booklets and other material. These comprise reports from the Australian Institute of Agricultural Science (A.I.A.S.) and the Queensland Branch of the A.I.A.S., the employment of graduates, professional incomes in Victoria, farming and Science in Australia, careers in Agricultural Science, a statistical survey of students and staff and a postgraduate thesis entitled "Studies on Defoliating Fungi of Tomatoes and Beans". Files regarding liaison and affiliations with outside organisations include Australian Pig Industry Research Committee, Bellambi Coal Co. Ltd., CSIRO, McCain Foods, Wheat Industry Research Council etc. to name but a few. The records relevant to organisations are arranged within relevant boxes in alphabetical order. Additional arrangement note: The student record cards are arranged in alphabetical order, but otherwise there is no control system. Control symbols: 1911- 1979 Additional format note: There is a collection of leather bound volumes and manila folders. There are also black two ring binders in suspension filing. The records are house in a box, a steel cabinet and a wooden cabinet in the "Old Laboratory". Conservation: In good condition. Some of the student cards have been damaged due to sticky tape. The following records have damaged spines: Melbourne University School of Agriculture; Yearly lists of graduates 1911-; Index of file cards taken from cabinets 1936-1949 (pages also stuck together); School of Agriculture annual examination results, 1922- and Roll Book, Agricultural Engineering and Surveying, 1932-1940. Rusty clips were removed during review of the boxes in September 2014.Collection CategoryUniversity, officialAccess StatusAccess restrictions applyRequest Access to RecordsRequest records from this SeriesSearch within this Series
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Feature CollectionRecords of the University of Melbourne
Faculty Of Agriculture And Forestry (The University of Melbourne), [UMA-SRE-20140068] Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry General Administrative Records (1965-1985), [UMA-SRE-20140068]. University of Melbourne Archives, accessed 15/02/2025, https://archives.library.unimelb.edu.au/nodes/view/71089