Open/Close Toolbox
- [2005.0036.00001] Family...
- Magdalen College s...
- [Interior scene]
- [Interior scene]
- [Garden scene]
- [House]
- [Coastal village s...
- [Village scene]
- [House]
- [Rural scene]
- [Unidentified ruins]
- [Unidentified ruins]
- [Unidentified ruins]
- [Unidentified ruins]
- Longleat
- Longleat
- Longleat
- Longleat
- Magdalen
- Magdalen
- Magdalen
- Magdalen
- Magdalen
- Magdalen
- Magdalen
- Magdalen
- Magdalen
- Magdalen
- Magdalen
- Magdalen
- Magdalen
- Magdalen
- Magdalen
- Ireland
- Ireland
- Ireland
- Ireland
- Ireland
- Ireland
- Ireland
- Ireland
- Bantry
- Ireland
- Ireland
- Ireland
- [Rural scene, unkn...
- [Rural scene, unkn...
- Badmington Park, 1951
- Badmington Park, 1951
- Swiss Army rider
- Swiss Army rider
- Deer
- Badmington Park, 1951
- Snow roof over Swi...
- League of Nations,...
- Berne
- Berne
- Berne
- Switzerland
- Switzerland
- Switzerland
- Lake Geneva, Switz...
- Lake Geneva, Switz...
- Annecy
- Sainte Maxime
- Rambouillet
- Rambouillet
- Champes Elysees
- Annecy
- Annecy
- Roches Fleuries
- Roches Fleuries
- Sainte Maxime
- [Village scene, Fr...
- [Village scene, Fr...
- [Rural scene, France]
- [Rural scene, France]
- Chambery
- Chambery
- Chambery
- Chambery
- Chambery
- Mazamet
- [Street scene, Fra...
- Carcasonne
- Palace des Popes [...
- Cacasonne
- Cacasonne
- Cacasonne
- Cacasonne
- Cacasonne
- Haut[e] Savoie
- Haut[e] Savoie
- Blois
- Blois
- Blois
- Haut[e] Savoie
- Haut[e] Savoie
- Haut[e] Savoie
- Haut[e] Savoie
- Roman aquaduct, Av...
- Montpelier
- Roman Theatre, Nimes
- Roman Theatre, Nimes
- Chambord
- Chambord
- Loire
- Chambord
- Near Branthome
- Loire, near Amboise
- Near Branthome
- Branthome
- Branthome, Tour of...
- Branthome, Tour of...
- Branthome, Tour of...
- Branthome, Tour of...
- Branthome
- Farming country ne...
- Tour of France, Ha...
- Badmington Park, M...
- Badmington Park, M...
- Badmington Park, M...
- Badmington Park, M...
- Badmington Park, M...
- Badmington Park, M...
- Badmington Park, M...
- Room in Longwall
- Room in Longwall
- Tower from Magdale...
- Cloisters and tower
- Warwick Castle
- Warwick Castle
- St Swithum's
- Longwall
- Deer Park
- Magdalen River
- SS Orentes
- SS Orentes
- Port Said
- SS Orentes
- Port Said
- Aden
- Port Said
- Aden
- Aden
- Market, Aden
- Aden
- Aden
- Aden
- Aden
- Aden
- SS Orontes. Austra...
- Ceylon, Galleface....
- Perth. Australia t...
- Fremantle. Austral...
- Fremantle. Austral...
- Fremantle. Austral...
- Mum, August 1949
- Newsclipping of Ma...
- Burning off
- Burning off
- Nareen and garden,...
- Nareen and garden,...
- Nareen and garden,...
- North Broken Hill ...
- Lock, Mildura
- Unloading
- At "Marrington"
- The dip
- Drying racks
- Grape vines, Mildura
- From the car, near...
- Jeff White at Will...
- Putting on the Cha...
- In the Mallee, bla...
- Half-way house on ...
- In the Mallee
- Erosion at Willolo...
- Erosion at Willolo...
- Erosion at Willolo...
- Wilcannia to Cobar
- Rock Outcrop in Wi...
- Rock Outcrop in Wi...
- Robinsons, Dubbo
- Robinsons, Dubbo
- Valves fo Hume Dam
- Aberdeen Angus at ...
- Aberdeen Angus at ...
- Major Mitchell Mem...
- Nine Miles from Gu...
- Canberra
- Corriedale Champio...
- Corriedale Champio...
- Corriedale Champio...
- Corriedale Champio...
- Dust storms - Mild...
- At the gates of Ca...
- Hope for 1949 East...
- Hope for 1949 East...
- On the road to the...
- On the road to the...
- St John's Church, ...
- Sculptured scenes ...
- Sculptured scenes ...
- Sculptured scenes ...
- Scenes in the War ...
- Scenes in the War ...
- Scenes in the War ...
- Scenes in the War ...
- Scenes in the War ...
- Scenes in the War ...
- Jap minature sub t...
- All that was left ...
- War Memorial, Canb...
- War Memorial, Canb...
- War Memorial, Canb...
- House of Parliamen...
- Rabbits - Cannonbar
- The Robinson's at ...
- [Unidentified phot...
- The Robinson's at ...
- Marrington
- Hume Dam, New Sout...
- Hume Dam, New Sout...
- Hume Dam, New Sout...
- Hume Dam, New Sout...
- Hume Dam, New Sout...
- Hume Dam, New Sout...
- A Day at Rob Roy
- A Day at Rob Roy
- A Day at Rob Roy
- A Day at Rob Roy
- Shmith's Bugatti
- Dodge Special
- Gaze's "Alta"
- [Unidentified raci...
- Magnette SC
- Stone's MG
- Bee-Keepers Tintinara
- Bee-Keepers Tintinara
- Bee-Keepers Camp T...
- Study
- [Unidentified boy,...
- Amesbury House
- Amesbury House
- Brian
- Gavin
- Rosemary
- At Murndal
- At Murndal
- At Murndal
- Tudor House [staff...
- [Tudor House staff...
- [Tudor House staff...
- Cricket Team, Tudo...
- Cricket Team, Tudo...
- [Tennis team]
- [Tennis team]
- [Tennis team]
- [Tennis team]
- Mum
- Billie [dog]
- Horses at Nareen
- Lorrie
- Horses at Nareen
- [horse]
- Melbourne Church o...
- [Tennis team]
- Una Fraser, the mo...
- Lorrie [Fraser] - ...
- Mum and Dad, Augus...
- Water over the roa...
- [Malcolm Fraser wi...
- Billie [dog]
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SeriesPart of ItemUnitCreatorGenre/FormFeature Collection
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Fraser, John Malcolm, Blois (c.1950), [UMA-ITE-2005003600204]. University of Melbourne Archives, accessed 10/02/2025,